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Goat Run Seri #2 Gunung Slamet 2018

Waktu : 08 Juli 2018

Kategori : 20K, 35K

Lokasi : Tegal, Jawa Tengah

Info & Registrasi :

We bring you Gunung Slamet with its pristine beautiful course that will challenge your strength and endurance with 2 race courses, short and long distance. Both race course will take you to the highest location in central Java and the 2nd highest in Java, it is also one of the best places to see both the north and south coasts of Java. Slamet is one of Java’s active volcanoes and there is almost always lots of gas around at the crater giving you real volcanic experience.
The race start and finish will take place at the popular weekend retreat town of Guci where there is plenty of accommodation and hot springs, located approximately 40km from Tegal city. The race starts at Guci which situated 1200 meter above sea level and goes up to 3400 meters above sea level. Shorter race course will take the same route going back to Guci while longer race course will circle around the crater and entering Sawangan trailhead before head back to Guci.
Both race course offering running across dense tropical forest, steep and rocky climb to the summit and going through some local farmer plantation with its stunning view of the entire valley. On its clear sunny day, you will be running with Mount Ceremei on your background.

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